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Thursday, 17 May 2012

Amazing Paths

Amazing Paths...!!

There is a collection of handpicked photos from different places on Earth. As you can see, there is a lot dangerous but beautiful roadways. 

                           Imagine having to ride a bike going up or down that hill.

                                                    nice staircase…good workout

                                        This would make a lot of people nauseous…

                                                         I’d take those turns slow too..

                                  With my balance, I’d have to walk very, very slow…

                        Whoever designed this road in San Francisco must have been stoned at the time…

                            Are those supposed to be train tracks or bamboo sticks?

                        This looks like a fun hike…wonder if they have a zip-line to go with it

                                            what did they use to scrape this out???


  1. Man... I'd love to drive in all these roads...!!!!! Dude also write the names of these places na...


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